The Many Faces of Bichons....



Some are very active,
like Normandy's China Doll (below left)
and Normandy's Princess Sascha (right)
in Agility...



Others like to travel the open roads,
like Normandy's Prince Rupert...



 There's something about Bichons
that just makes you want to dress them up...

 l to r: Normandy's Bear Essential; Normandy's Ravishing Roxie;
Normandy's Prince Rupert (again) and Normandy's Tantalizing Taylor


And this is how you might find them at the end of a busy day...

l to r: Normandy's Prince Rupert (sleepin' on the road); Normandy's Shiroi Kibou (yes, this picture is right side up);
Normandy's Toulouse (of sailboat fame)
and below

Normandy's Great Gatsby CD;  Normandy's Samantha

Bottoms up!


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